Feature #34
gzip and bzip2 converters pack -9
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Converters gzip and bzip2 should pack with highest compression level by default, because
LooX: "it's embedded.. any byte counts"
patch appended
Updated by Oleksandr Rybalko about 13 years ago
Eric Krausser wrote:
Converters gzip and bzip2 should pack with highest compression level by default, because
LooX: "it's embedded.. any byte counts"patch appended
It is not a good idea, since it will take much longer on build and a bit longer on boot.
We have CONVERTER_BZ2_FLAGS and CONVERTER_GZ_FLAGS for peoples who want to use other than default values.
It even possible to set in on build start (since we initialize it with ?= )
make TARGE_PAIR=... CONVERTER_GZ_FLAGS="--stdout -9"
Will not close yet the PR for now, maybe someone show better argument than me.
Updated by Oleksandr Rybalko about 13 years ago
- Category set to Project
- Status changed from New to Closed