


System Upgrade Procedure internals » History » Version 1

Oleksandr Rybalko, 05/16/2012 11:10 AM

1 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
h1. System Upgrade Procedure internals
2 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
3 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
# Web interface show page to user with following form:
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5 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
<form method="POST" action="/upgrade.lua" enctype="multipart/form-data">
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  <input type="file" name="firmware" />
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  <input type="submit" value="Upgrade" />
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# User input filename
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# User activate submit
12 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
# Action page (can be other than "/upgrade.lua", depend on Web interface handler) receive request:
13 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Stop watchdog
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## Stop Wireless
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## Stop services not used in networking
16 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Stop IPSec? (maybe better to keep it running, for case when corporate admin update boxes remotely)
17 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Allocate memory storage with size of /dev/(map|redboot)/upgrade partition @mdconfig -a -t malloc -s8m -o reserve@
18 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Run _upgrade_ utility on a separate port with current web interface login/password hash (so _upgrade_ will be able to check it) 
19 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
@upgrade -p 79 -H YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= -S /dev/md1@
20 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Send redirect header to new port (79 in example)
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# Browser made new connection to port that port and send form
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# _upgrade_ accept connection
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## Verify storage presence (/dev/md1)
24 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Verify browser supplied Authentication hash
25 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Get multipart boundary key
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## Search for Content-Disposition: form-data; name="firmware"; filename="${firmware name}"
27 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Parse filename to get Vendor, Model, H/W_Rev, Version? and md5 hash (D-Link_DIR-620-0.1-ALPHA.45c7222d56450210c701452833b83201.zimage)
28 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Check Vendor, Model, H/W_Rev
29 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Check Version?
30 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Fetch, md5, store (to /dev/md1) until boundary key
31 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## Check if md5 hash equals
32 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
### if Bad - do reboot
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## kill other services?
34 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## write new firmware to /dev/(map|redboot)/upgrade
35 1 Oleksandr Rybalko
## reboot