


Partition layout » History » Version 1

Eric Krausser, 01/03/2012 07:23 PM
initial version

1 1 Eric Krausser
h1. Partition layout
2 1 Eric Krausser
3 1 Eric Krausser
In your board definition (board.hints) you need to define a kind of partition table. Here you give ranges in flash memory predefined names.
4 1 Eric Krausser
5 1 Eric Krausser
ZRouter expects to find these geom_map names:
6 1 Eric Krausser
7 1 Eric Krausser
| kernel  | start address could be where bootloader ends, end address can be detected automatically if you define a searchkey |
8 1 Eric Krausser
| rootfs  | start address could be where kernel ends, so you can usually use the same searchkey as before | 
9 1 Eric Krausser
| config  | size depends on flash size, e.g. 0x00200000 bytes (2MB) |
10 1 Eric Krausser
| upgrade | use start from 'kernel' and end from 'rootfs', so these partitions are covered at once |
11 1 Eric Krausser
12 1 Eric Krausser
This geom_maps have to be defined by every board itself, because the boards use different areas in flash to store bootloader and data for wireless initialization.
13 1 Eric Krausser
14 1 Eric Krausser
TODO: example, geom_map manpage